Frequently Asked Questions

On this page, you will find answers to frequently asked questions about hypnosis and integrative therapy. Should you have any further questions, please contact us.

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1. What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a trance state of deep relaxation and heightened imagination. It is a normal state that most people experience on a regular basis, such as when daydreaming or when "losing yourself" in a book or movie. You are fully conscious, but you tune out most of the stimuli around you, giving you the ability to focus on the problem at hand to the near exclusion of any other thought. Top

2. What is Integrative Therapy?

Integrative Therapy, as practiced at NY Health Hypnosis, uses psychoanalysis, mindfulness, and Buddhist theories of change to develop a deep and complex understanding of our resistances, combined with hypnosis as a powerful tool to promote meaningful change. 

Many times, we are not just suffering from one, simple difficulty, but from several ongoing problems that are intricate, interconnected, and complex. A desire to lose weight may be complicated by our negative self-image or problems in our relationships. Wanting to quit smoking can be hampered by ongoing anxiety or low self-esteem. By combining therapy and mindfulness methods, we are able to work together flexibly and organically to strike a balance between deep analytic work to get to the root of the problems and making specific changes along the way through the application of hypnosis. Top

3. What type of hypnosis is practiced?

Our method relies on Ericksonian hypnosis, which is considered hypnosis for the "non-suggestible." We do not practice hypnosis merely in terms of suggestibility, but in a way that enhances what you want to accomplish. You want to change, and hypnosis helps you get in touch with that part of you that wants change and quiets any thoughts that impede your desire for change. Thus, you end your internal conflict, as opposed to being a passive recipient of the hypnotist's will. Top

4. What does it feel like to be in a hypnotic state?

A hypnotic state is similar to a meditative state, where you have a strong internal focus and are very relaxed yet remain in complete control. You may find yourself “lost in your thoughts” in a serene way, as in a peaceful daydream. Despite the popular portrayal of hypnosis, it is not like being asleep because you are aware of everything around you and can choose to open your eyes at any time. Most people, however, choose not to interrupt the state as they find the experience enjoyable. Top

5. What training is required to practice hypnosis?

As hypnotherapy is not a licensed profession, some hypnotists are practicing with very little training in hypnosis or mental health — leading to the false belief that hypnosis alone can treat many mental health problems. This can deter people from getting the help they need from a licensed professional.

It is the opinion of the American Psychological Association, the American Psychotherapy and Medical Hypnosis Association, the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and NY Health Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy that those without thorough training in Psychology or Mental Health should not be practicing hypnosis. 

All therapists at NY Health Hypnosis hold Doctorates from esteemed academic institutions and are licensed by the State of New York to practice Mental Health. Top

6. How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions and extent of therapeutic work depends on the issue the client wants to address. In general, short-term hypnosis is best for simple habits and phobias, and typically takes one to five sessions.

For issues such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, insomnia, and concerns that involve more than one issue, the client and therapist work together to develop an ongoing therapeutic relationship using hypnosis and integrative therapy where weekly appointments can be scheduled at the client’s convenience, with any necessary flexibility. Top

7. What will my first session entail?

Your first session lasts 45 minutes and focuses on gaining an in-depth understanding of one specific issue of your choosing. The session starts with an overview of hypnosis and how it’s used, followed by the opportunity to discuss any questions you may have.

After the introduction, you and your therapist will have an intensive conversation about your specific issue, focusing on past failed attempts at change and reasons why the behavior persists. Your therapist will then induce a light trance that allows you to explore your unconscious for ways to change, while helping you tap into your internal resources for making the change. From there, you and your therapist will discuss the best ways to work together going forward. Top

8. What is the rate per session?

NY Health Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy charges $275 for a 45-minute session and $350 for a 60-minute session. Regardless of insurance reimbursement, sessions are paid in full at the time of service. By requesting an appointment online, you are agreeing to our rate to be paid at the time of service. Top

9. What forms of payment are accepted?

NY Health Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy gladly accepts all major credit cards, cash, or personal checks. Top

10. Are services covered by insurance?

NY Health Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy does not work “in-network” with any insurance company; however, many clients can be partially or fully reimbursed (typically 60-100%) by their insurance companies if they have “out of network” coverage.

Claim submission and reimbursement is between the client and their health insurance company. Regardless of reimbursement, clients are solely responsible for payment at the time of the session. Please see Rates and Insurance for more information. Top

11. How do I find out if my health insurance reimburses for your services?

You can call your insurance company directly and explain that we are out-of-network psychotherapy services and ask them if they reimburse, or we can help you estimate your benefits online. Please see Rates and Insurance for more information. Top

12. How do I make an appointment?

The fastest and easiest way to make appointments is through our patient portal or by emailing the specific therapist you would like to see. Please see the appointments page to set up your first appointment either via email or the patient portal. Subsequent sessions can be made with the therapist during the session or booked through the portal as best fits your schedule. Top