Hypnotherapy for Children, Adolescents & Teens


The journey through adolescence and teenage years is a blend of wonder and trials. The newfound sense of independence is both exhilarating and daunting. It's during this period that the seeds of lasting friendships are sown, even as teens grapple with the essence of true camaraderie. For the first time, they confront emotional and academic hurdles, often accompanied by the nagging fear of falling short. This stage of life is marked by boundless curiosity and a burgeoning imagination, as they start sketching the contours of their future adult selves, including the principles they aspire to uphold.

As Clinical Psychologists, we specialize in aiding adolescents and teenagers, employing a spectrum of techniques to nurture more enriched lives. Our foundation lies in evidence-based methodologies, complemented by a genuine appreciation for holistic strategies. We emphasize the uniqueness of each young individual, tailoring therapeutic interventions to resonate with their specific needs. We veer away from one-size-fits-all therapy models, recognizing the distinctiveness of every child. Our therapeutic regimen seamlessly weaves established modalities like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and psychoanalysis with holistic techniques such as mindfulness and hypnotherapy. This approach harnesses the innate creativity and self-healing capacities of youngsters, equipping them with tools to cultivate a life of greater contentment and equilibrium.

Karolina Pekala, Psy.D
Clinical Psychologist
Eating disorders, anxiety & school performance
Teens & children 10+
CBT, DBT & hypnosis
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Laura Bowles, Psy.D
Clinical Psychologist
Eating disorders, social anxiety & identity issues
Teens 16+
Hypnosis, attachment-based & psychodynamic
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Demi Maglio, Psy.D
Clinical Psychologist
Anxiety, eating issues, grief & loss
Teens 16+
Hypnosis, CBT & mindfulness
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Hypnosis with children and adolescents can be especially beneficial given the unique characteristics of their developmental age. They are imaginative, curious, and inquisitive - allowing for an openness to new experiences, such as hypnosis. The nature of this playful type of therapy aligns with the types of issues that are prominent within this age group, so it's a natural fit. The types of issues that hypnosis can be particularly useful in treating in adolescents and teens includes, but are not limited to:

  • Social anxiety
  • Eating disorders
  • Friendship issues
  • Difficulties in school
  • Insomnia
  • Parental conflict/divorce
  • Fears
  • Phobia
  • Insecurity

Hypnosis frequently employs the art of subtle messaging and storytelling, reminiscent of the positive narratives found in children's fairy tales or uplifting movies. The advantage of collaborating with us is the personalization we bring; your child receives affirming messages meticulously crafted to resonate with their individual circumstances, aspirations, and distinct character traits. Undergoing hypnosis tends to be a tranquil experience, serving as a dual-purpose intervention: it provides immediate relaxation while bolstering a child's inherent strengths for long-term benefit and goal attainment.

In their role as Clinical Psychologists, they employ a distinctive therapeutic approach, amalgamating hypnosis, psychotherapy, and clinical research. While hypnosis isn't an instant remedy, it significantly enhances the therapeutic journey. For instance, hypnosis can help mitigate severe school-related anxiety, bolster optimistic mindsets, and temper feelings of self-doubt and self-criticism. Integrative therapy offers a structured path to tackle prevalent insecurities encountered during this phase, such as challenges related to body image, academic pressures, and friendship dynamics. Through the synergy of hypnosis and therapy, our professionals guide children and teenagers towards navigating these turbulent waters with diminished anxiety, amplified self-assurance, and fortified interpersonal bonds.

"Hypnosis with children and adolescents can be especially beneficial given the unique characteristics of their developmental age. They are imaginative, curious, and inquisitive - allowing for an openness to new experiences, such as hypnosis. The nature of this playful type of therapy aligns with the types of issues that are prominent within this age group, so it's a natural fit."


Before scheduling your child’s initial appointment, one of our therapists will engage with you over the phone. This conversation aims to define therapeutic goals, address your concerns about your child, and ensure our services align with your child's specific needs.

Depending on your child’s developmental stage, the therapist might suggest parental participation for the initial segment of the session. Periodic parental involvement might also be encouraged, either for updating on treatment progress or participating in a family session. Furthermore, our therapists offer exclusive sessions for parents—sans the child—to offer insights on diagnosis, impart strategies for managing school and home situations, and provide guidance to maximize positive outcomes for your child.

Our therapy sessions are designed to be havens of safety, empathy, and impartiality, where individuals, irrespective of their age, can openly share their innermost fears, aspirations, and objectives. It’s common for individuals, both young and old, to feel more comfortable engaging with therapists on a one-on-one basis. Children and teenagers, often concerned about parental approval, might hesitate in expressing themselves fully. Since their perspective on right or wrong might differ from adults due to their developmental stage, we ensure our therapeutic environment actively nurtures self-assurance, hope, and autonomy.


Research has shown that when combined with therapy, hypnosis is particularly helpful in treating struggles unique to children and teenagers. These may include fears such as public speaking, test taking anxiety, and social phobia, and also includes broader concerns, such as difficulty with friendships, insomnia and pain.

Looking for a mindful and holistic therapy approach for your children?

Our child-centered approach blends mindfulness with holistic care. We provide tailored strategies to support your child's emotional and mental development, fostering balance and harmony through mindful practices and nurturing guidance.