Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Stress & Panic


Anxiety can be paralyzing. It can keep us from making friends, engaging in social activities, or moving forward in our careers. Worse, it is extremely uncomfortable and interferes with our health and our everyday lives.

Anxiety can manifest both somatically and cognitively, and a person’s reactions to anxiety often exacerbate their symptoms. Somatically, anxiety can show up as a racing heart, shallow breath, or other uncomfortable bodily reactions. Cognitively, anxiety can take the form of intrusive thoughts that something terrible might happen or as worries about what others might think.

Anxiety can also interfere with your work or relationships, which often results in lowered self-esteem. To address the complexities of anxiety, our therapists employ mindfulness, psychoanalysis, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to delve into the underlying causes of anxiety, while applying hypnosis to the specific difficulties that arise as a result of anxiety.

Sara Glazer, Psy.D
Clinical Psychologist
Generalized anxiety, social anxiety & self-esteem
Attachment-based & mindfulness-based
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Kimberly Fishbach, Psy.D
Clinical Psychologist
Generalized anxiety & panic attacks
Hypnosis, CBT & DBT
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Karolina Pekala, Psy.D
Clinical Psychologist
Generalized anxiety & social anxiety
Adults & children 10+
Hypnosis, CBT & DBT
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Laura Faiwiszewski, Psy.D
Clinical Psychologist
Generalized anxiety & social anxiety
Hypnosis, CBT & EMDR
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Laura Bowles, Psy.D
Clinical Psychologist
Generalized anxiety & panic attacks
Adults & teens 16+
Hypnosis, motivational interviewing & psychodynamic
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Demi Maglio, Psy.D
Clinical Psychologist
Generalized anxiety, social anxiety & panic attacks
Adults & teens 16+
Hypnosis, CBT & mindfulness
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Anxiety, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), social anxiety, and social phobia, can impact every aspect of our lives. It can feel like non-stop racing thoughts and constant worry, even when we know logically that the worry is exaggerated or feels more intense than what is proportionate to the concern. Intense anxiety can have a physical impact on us, such as muscle tension, sleep difficulties, headaches, and fatigue. It can also have debilitating cognitive effects, such as fear of being humiliated or judged, worry about interacting with others, or expecting the worst possible outcomes in social situations.

As Clinical Psychologists, we specialize in treating GAD, social anxiety, and social phobia. We integrate a variety of therapeutic techniques, including hypnosis, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), mindfulness, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), to address anxiety from multiple angles. Our approach is comprehensive and personalized, aiming to help clients understand and manage their anxiety effectively. We use hypnosis to access the subconscious mind, allowing clients to reframe negative thought patterns and promote relaxation. Our therapy sessions also incorporate techniques to address emotional and psychological issues, helping clients develop new coping skills, increase self-awareness, and improve their overall quality of life. By creating a supportive and empathetic environment, we empower clients to overcome anxiety and live more fulfilling lives.

"It can feel like non-stop racing thoughts and constant worry, even when we know logically that the worry is exaggerated..."


Although not life-threatening, a panic attack can be disorienting and frightening. When you experience a sudden surge of intense fear—accompanied by a pounding heart, shortness of breath, body chills, sweating, and/or trembling—you might even feel like you’re having a heart attack. Though they typically last only a few minutes, panic attacks can significantly impact quality of life. You might feel anxious about going to the movies, driving a car, or attending a meeting out of fear that another panic attack may strike. Panic disorder can lead to problems at school or work, avoiding social situations, the development of phobias, and substance abuse.

As Clinical Psychologists, we specialize in helping clients find peace from panic attacks and panic disorder. We draw from our extensive training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), mindfulness, hypnosis, and other evidence-based approaches to customize therapy and promote the most effective therapeutic outcomes. Hypnosis, in particular, can be extremely impactful. Several studies have shown that hypnosis can reduce the frequency and severity of panic attacks by promoting relaxation and helping individuals reframe negative thought patterns.

Our approach is not only tailored to each individual but also assuredly effective. By blending cognitive-behavioral techniques, resilience-building DBT practices, centering mindfulness exercises, transformative hypnosis, and trauma-resolving EMDR, we provide a comprehensive strategy for managing and overcoming the symptoms of panic and anxiety. This powerful combination equips clients with the necessary tools to detect early signs of panic, understand the complex relationship between their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and ultimately improve their quality of life with enduring benefits.


While hypnosis alone cannot adequately treat anxiety disorders, adding hypnosis to therapeutic treatment can profoundly impact helping a person mitigate and cope with their anxiety. As Clinical Psychologists, we find that by giving our clients the additional tool of hypnosis, they can often use it to calm themselves in times of anxiety and panic. We combine hypnotic techniques with traditional therapy modalities to address the troubling symptoms associated with anxiety and panic.

Research has shown that hypnosis is particularly beneficial in treating people with anxiety and panic by addressing the issues that arise in response to anxiety. Generally, people can become fearful of both the stimuli and their somatic reaction to it. For instance, a study published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis found that hypnosis led to lasting improvements in panic disorder symptoms, even in patients who had not responded to other treatments​ (Inner Voyage Hypnosis)​. Another study in the Journal of Clinical Psychology reported that 70% of participants experienced a significant reduction in their panic symptoms after undergoing hypnotherapy​ (The Morris Institute)​. Additionally, a comprehensive review published in the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis showed that hypnosis effectively reduces anxiety levels and helps individuals develop long-term coping strategies​ (Inner Voyage Hypnosis)​.

Our approach to anxiety focuses on altering how a client views fear while calming their reaction to that fear. By integrating hypnosis with other therapeutic techniques, we provide a comprehensive treatment that addresses both the psychological and physiological aspects of anxiety.

Are you prepared to conquer anxiety and embrace life fully?

Experience our therapeutic approach that calms anxiety. Immerse yourself in a journey of transformation, gaining essential insights and tools to revitalize your ambition and life's direction.