Where We Practice

NY Health Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy is located in Soho, New York City, however, we are able to work with individuals throughout the country using our HIPAA-compliant video system when licensing laws allow. As we are all licensed Clinical Psychologists, we hold strictly to all laws regarding licensure and only see patients if they are physically located in the states where we are licensed. Thus, we may or may not be able to work with you depending on where you are located.

All of our therapists are licensed in New York State, whereas some of us are also licensed to practice in New Jersey, Florida, California or any PsyPact state. This means that if you are sitting in one of those states, we may or may not have a therapist who is able to work with you.

If you are located in New York
Please feel free to make an appointment online or schedule a free consultation.

If you are located outside of New York

Please contact us so that we can help you navigate finding a therapist in our practice that is able to work with you based on your location or to help you to find a therapist in your area if we are not able to work together. Laws are frequently changing, so if we are not able to work with you now, there is a chance that we can work with you in the future.

We can be reached by phone or secure text at 646-537-1713 or email at info@sohointegrative.com

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